What is Access Consciousness Bar?

Access Consciousness Bar is a technique developed by Gary Douglas that involves lightly touching specific points on the head, which is known as a “bar set”, for about 20-30 minutes. During this time, the facilitator can make different statements to the client that help open energy and create changes in the emotions, beliefs, and energy patterns in the body. It is believed that by changing the energy patterns of the body, this can help to clear the blocks and limitations that are preventing the person from living their life to their fullest potential.

Benefits of Access Consciousness Bar

Releases Stuck Energies

Access Consciousness Bars help to release stuck energies and emotions you may be carrying throughout your daily life, which can help you to become more aware of yourself and create more choice.

Balance Your Energies

A session using Access Consciousness Bars encourages more harmony and balance in your energy system, enabling you to live a more balanced life.

Receive Clarity

Clarity is often a side effect of an Access Consciousness Bars session. Receiving clarity can help you in life decisions and increasing your awareness.

Gain Self-Love

Access Consciousness Bars allows us to gain more self-love, and remove old blocks and restrictive beliefs about who we are.

Release Judgment

We can release judgments we carry about ourselves and others. This will lead to a more peaceful and harmonious life.

Let Go of Limitations

Access Consciousness Bars provides the opportunity to drop old limitations and create space for new possibilities.

Unlock Awareness & Creativity

By removing blocks, you can unlock your creativity and become even more aware of yourself and your capabilities.

Increase Inner Peace

As Access Consciousness Bars helps to release and balance energy, you can become more at peace with yourself and the world.

Who can benefit from Access Consciousness Bars classes?

Anyone looking to explore their own consciousness, enhance their self-awareness, and create more ease in their life. Access Consciousness Bar classes are beneficial for people of all ages and backgrounds who are ready to open to more possibilities for their life.

Types of Access Consciousness Bar activities

Access Consciousness Bars activities include:

  1. Attending Bars sessions, either in person or online, in which a facilitator holds space for participants to receive healing and energetic realignment via 32 points on the head and body.
  2. Practicing self-Bars, in which you can use your own two hands as the facilitator to send healing energy to yourself.
  3. Facilitating Bars for others to help them shift out of stuck and stagnant energies and back into vibrancy and bliss.
  4. Attending Access Consciousness® deep dive classes that teach more advanced techniques in the Bars, such as Choices of Possibilities, Energetic Synthesis of Communion and more.
  5. Exploring the core books, classes, and other products that Access Consciousness has to offer.


Access Consciousness Bars are a form of energy healing based on the idea that if you touch specific points on the head, you can activate positive energy within the body. This energy can be used to promote healing, clarity of thought, and overall wellbeing. The Bars technique was developed by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer, and is based on the belief that the energy in our bodies is affected by how we think, feel and perceive reality.

Access Consciousness Bars can provide a variety of benefits, such as helping to improve sleep, reduce stress, increase creativity and intuition, improve relationships, enhance performance, and reduce physical pain. This technique can also provide deep relaxation, help people to become more aware of their thoughts, and help them to make positive changes in their lives.

Access Consciousness Bars sessions can be done as often as desired, although one to two sessions per month is recommended. Results may vary from person to person, so it’s a good idea to consult with a practitioner to determine the best frequency for you. It depends on your goals. Generally, it's recommended to attend a class once a week if you are trying to improve your emotional and physical health, and more often than that if you have a specific issue you are trying to address.